Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts

Graphic of the outline of the state of Arkansas with a pine tree and a water drop in the center.


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Arkansas Association of Conservation District Employees

Mission Statement

"To empower the district employee to become more professional and more effective in advancing natural resource conservation."

AACDE Vision

"A professionally accepted and integrated organization affecting a positive influence on the environment."

What is AACDE

AACDE is a district employee organization operated by the district employees with the support and approval of individual district boards. AACDE is affiliated with AACD and works with its partner agencies to promote conservation programs and agendas. This organization was developed for the very purpose of improving work environments and relationships for conservation district employees.

What is AACDE Involved In

AACDE members are involved in several national, regional, state, and local level committees and boards. We have members who serve on:

  • The Cooperative Management Team’s Work Group
  • The AACDE President is a voting member of the Arkansas Conservation Partnership (ACP)
  • We have members who are actively involved in the Arkansas Envirothon Steering Committee and as such area a part of the National Canon Envirothon Committee.
  • Members serve on ADA-NRD committees that review district annual budgets and reports and make recommendations for district funding levels.

What AACDE Does For Its Members

Ask any conservation district employee who has been with their district for several years and they will tell you now much better working relationships, salaries, and employee training is now. District employee salaries as a whole have risen. District employees have been offered training in grant writing, computer applications, parliamentary procedure, NRCS filing, bookkeeping and information/educations programs for the classroom. District employees have received grants for updated computer equipment. Benefits for employees such as insurance, retirement, sick and annual leave have improved. These improvements were initiated because the AACDE has members sitting on prominent committees and boards that make these things happen.

Dues and Money Raised

AACDE wants to keep dues at a minimum the rate is only $20.00 per person per year. If every conservation district paid dues, only about $1500.00 per year would be raised. Our AACDE president is required to do a lot of traveling to AACD & ACP meetings. The president or appointed AACDE Officer will try to attend all of the AACDE area meetings and any AACDE meeting that is scheduled. The president is a member of the National Conservation District Employee Association and as such needs to attend the National NACD meeting and the Regional meeting each year. A Portion of our dues pay part of theses expenses for the president. The AACDE pays annual dues to the National Conservation District Employees Association and also contributes a small amount to the Arkansas Envirothon competition. Pays for postage, cost of newsletters and minimal office minimal office expenditures. As our fundraising efforts get more successful and more money is available, we will be helping to pay for more training opportunities as well.

Meeting Dates

AACDE meets for a business meeting during the annual State AACD meeting. Executive board meetings are scheduled the third Thursday of the first month of each quarter. Committee meetings are held throughout the year. Any member is welcome to attend any of these meetings, however, only an executive board member can vote at these meetings. For this reason, all Area Representatives should attend these meetings.

Getting Involved

Any district employee wanting to get more involved is always welcome at any of the AACDE meetings. The more people involved the more AACDE can do!  Consult your area representative and state your desire to become involved. Contact your area representative and ask for a copy of the organizations bylaws and or action plan.

Why Become a Member

A rope that is made up of many strands is much stronger than one made with just a few. The more members the association has the more impact the voice of the AACDE member that is sitting on any decision making board or committee.

2023-2025 AACDE Officers, Representatives and Alternates:

Area Representative
President Jeanette Hale
Vice President David Williams
Treasurer LaDonna Taylor
Secretary Martha Blackwell
Past President Carolyn Holcolmb

Area Representative Alternate
Southeast Melissa Shaw Jessica Patterson
Central Aimee Roberts  
East Central    
West Central Sheldon Reeves Brittany Ayda
Northeast Brandy Gardner Rita Hulen
Northwest Kim Krupa Eve Banning
Southwest Jennifer Kitchens Hesper Hartman



© 2015

The Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
8100 Bicentennial Road
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118
Telephone (501) 734-8133